Monday, June 29, 2015

Sitting at the Table with Harry Potter

In case you didn't know, I am quite obsessed with Harry Potter. Recently, my sister, told me to take a quiz on Pottermore to see which house you would be sorted in to. Being a Harry Potter nerd like myself, I decided to do so.

Now, if you haven't taken this quiz, you should. I don't usually say this word because this creepy skater kid in my 8th grade history class always said it, but it's pretty legit. It's created by J.K. Rowling, the creator of this magical series. I took the quiz and was shocked that it didn't involve, your favorite animal nor your favorite color type of questions. It was questions like, how would you want people to see you? Things that would make sense.

But back to business, I took this quiz and if the picture above wasn't a big enough hint, then I'll just let you know, I got Gryffindor. GRYFFINDOR! I'm sitting at the cool table with freaking HARRY POTTER! I know I know, it's something to be completely jelly about. (Please appreciate this gif I posted of Snape, especially if you are jelly because you're Hufflepuff, aka my sis and bro)


Appreciate also, the fact that I made the photo of the girl with the sorting hat, on Photoshop.WHAT?! 

Thursday, June 25, 2015

All They Had Was Fro-Yo

Hello there! I am back, back again. If you can't already tell, there I am wearing a fine little outfit, in a garden-like thing, eating some fro-yo even though I wanted a sundae. Oh well. Also, during this moment the fro-yo melted and fell all over my leg and hands. (I also have a pic of me cleaning the melted deliciousness off of my leg)
This was taken on Saturday, June 20th,  and it was such a nice day, hot as poo, but good. I went shopping with my sister, younger brother, and my mom. We went through Salt Lake City. I even got chocolate, a smoothie, and new shorts!

To your left you will find my deliciouso smoothie and my shorts in a bag.

And to your right you will find this gorgeous
 little sitting at City Creek Center, it was so nice the birds were chirping and kids were sticking their heads in the water. Oh, nature.

J.Crew Black Dress (Sold Out)
- Fendi Sunglasses 

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Summer Wishlist

Summer has finally arrived, and that means ice cream, sleep, and figuring out what to do in my newly acquired spare time. I've discovered that this summer will contain lots of figuring out what to do in my newly acquired spare time. I guess this blog will do. And so, these items are what is on my wishlist of summer. Oh Summer, you're finally mine again.

When my hair needs to be hidden from the world. And, when I want to look IT-Girl cool or make an outfit look pretty snazzy.
Image 1 of ASOS Felt Fedora Hat With Wide Band and Stitch Edge
I'm going to look good with this at my arm
Because I'm too lazy to swim
Because I'm still waiting to become a mermaid. Get out of my way, Ariel!
Dorothy's got nothing on these cool kicks
Got to get them stems tan

J.Crew Painter Tee

I'll be the coolest sailor in town!

- More to come on the blog! Just Wait! 
Comment Below!


Monday, June 1, 2015

Well, Let the Blog Begin

Well, well, well. Here I am. Miss Brooke in the house with 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. Here to start me blog. 5'1 White Girl, because I am white, a girl, and 5'1. This blog will give you the opportunity to enjoy clothes, food, random thoughts, and strong opinions that are mostly on dipping pizza in ranch (You type of people irritate me) and on my love of scones. Let's begin.