Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Squinting No More

Yes, yes it is true. I am no longer a squinter.
In case you didn't know, I have bad eyesight. Now, I wouldn't say I am blind as a bat, but I need some optical assistance (which now are my contacts)
In case you didn't know about a year ago I had joined the glasses club. Now, it's not like the breakfast club, where it's filled with people who put cereal in ham sandwiches (or was it bologna?) and do little lipstick tricks.
I wasn't a permanent member of this glasses club because I only wore my glasses when I went driving or couldn't see the board at school.

And, to your left you will see my crystal clear frame glasses. Which in fact are very cool.

But I now wear contacts. And so I am no longer a permanent squinter. And, it might be better than my crystal clear glasses.
The only problem is that now, I have lost my mysteriousness and aloofness I had when I would squint at people or when I just ignored things because I couldn't see them. Sigh. Now I have to use my personality to impress people.

Glasses - Warby Parker

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

The White Girl Playlist: Volume I


I bet they’re listening to Pompeii by Bastille, remembering the good old days

I am a person who listens to music.
If you don't listen to music, you are not a human nor a plant. You are just weird.
But as I said before I listen to music, and here is some music I have been listening to.
This is my playlist of July.

You're Welcome.

I. Mother and Father - Broods


II. Happy With Me - HOLYCHILD

III. Search Party - Sam Bruno

IV. Octahate - Ryn Weaver

V. Hold Me Down - Halsey

VI. Young Blood - Bea Miller

VII. Photograph - Ed Sheeran

And I do realize that I placed the song title and artist name
differently from the way YouTube does it
"Tune In" For More Music Later
*This Post is for Yasmeen (ME SIS) Because you
always ask me for music



Thursday, July 9, 2015

Pins and Strings

Recently I began guitar lessons.

Prior to guitar lessons I took piano lessons. And was quite excellente with 'em keys.

But now I have switched to guitar.

And, I am in pain. My left hand hurts with the memory of pressing on the hard strings of the guitar.

CURSE YOU E STRING! My guitar should be apologizing to my little baby left hand.

THE upside though is that I will be totes professional annnndddddd just like dominoes. I will be right with a future ukulele after learning this suffering.

I've also realized that you should always have your fingernails short and never even the tiniest of fingernail popping up.


But, other than that, I am having a swell time with my cute little acoustic guitar, with my swell teacher.

P.S. Piano is easier to play than guitar

                   ME,  MISS. BROOKE
                            Missing the comfort of her piano
                                Even though it's currently 15 steps away from her.