Thursday, August 13, 2015

Eureka: Part I - Saturday


 If you have been wondering where I have been, I have been in Eureka, CA.
Otherwise known as the place where I was born (California Girl, am I right?)
I have spent 3.5 days in Eureka. I say 3.5 days because I drove there from Utah all the way to Eureka (Northern California.) I started my quest on Friday and showed up there at 8 pm. I couldn't remember how to walk. Worth it.
Up above is one of the many pictures of Moonstone Beach, which is where we went to on Saturday with my dear ole Grandpa Bruce.
Very beautiful place, but the water is freezing, and so the sacrifice I had to make while taking this picture was that I stood in the freezing water for, like, 20 min. So, Pneumonia.
To the left, is my older sister Yasmeen, holding hands with my younger brother Brandon, and her husband Kyle, in the background.
My G-Pa was sitting peacefully on a beach chair nearby.
My dad, was juggling with a soccer ball, my mom was taking selfies, and my older brother Bruce was with my dear ole G-Pa.
And, I was obviously taking this pic.
I came to Eureka, to see my Grandparents, Bruce and Georgia.
It was very fun seeing them again, and I spent countless hours listening to their stories (Especially of my Grandfather's.)
This is also another picture I took. Which are of rocks with barnacles on them, and the little tide pool that was around them.
Which had little weird fish in them.
And, when I put my sandy feet in the water, I'm pretty sure they bit me.
After this we went to go eat at Porters Street, a quaint Barbecue place, which is absolutely delicious-o. And, then we relaxed at my Grandparents House.
You must be jealous.
~As you can tell this is Part I, there are two more parts to come
Stay TUNED!~

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